Saturday, February 12, 2011

What not to do (Food Allergies)

If you know someone who has food allergies, it really isn't helpful to say, "I know you can't eat this but just try one bite; it's so good."

First, you could be putting their life or health in danger.

Second, just think for a moment. If you "know" they can't eat something, WHY would you offer it to them? Is it because you want to show off that you can eat something they can't? Is it because you don't respect them or care for their health? Or maybe you'd like to see what it might do to them (which is just pure evil). Remember, they aren't going without yummy foods for fun, they are doing it because they have to.

If it helps, think of food allergies like poison. If someone is allergic to a food and they consume it, they are consuming poison. Some poisons will kill you; some will just make you sick. Either way, it's not a good thing. You may think a "little bit" won't hurt someone but would you consume just a "little bit" of Drano? Or how about a "little bit" of rat poison? I mean, if you're not drinking the whole bottle of Drano or eating the whole box of rat poison, it might not kill you, right? There are people that can die if they eat just a tiny bit of peanut butter (for example), read up on Anaphylactic shock, if you need convincing. Some people won't die but will experience shortness of breath, vomiting or any number of not fun symptoms (sounds like poison, right?). Symptoms can even occur 2-3 WEEKS later. So next time you want to offer someone "a little bit" of something they tell you they are allergic to, ask yourself, would you give them Drano to consume?

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