Sunday, September 5, 2010

Try It, You'll Like It

We have a rule in our house where food is concerned:
You have to try it once before you say you don't like it.

The rule originated in our house, like in many households with children, in order to avoid creating a child who only eats chicken nuggets (which I won't serve and don't offer up as an option in restaurants) or pasta (which I do offer both in and out of house). We tell Daughter she has to try everything at least once, per meal.

Until recently, this has been fabulous. Frequently, she likes what she tries and eats most of what is on our plates. When she doesn't like something, we don't fret because she'll have to try it again when we have it another day. The idea is bolstered by the hypothesis that one needs to "try" a new food anywhere from 10-15 times before he or she will like it. I don't really know where this hypothesis came from but, I read it somewhere and it seems like a good enough reason to continually hoist foods on my child that she claims* not to like. Occasionally she'll try to get out of trying something but generally a somewhat stern, "You know the rule..." works and when it doesn't, we're not above saying, "That's what's on the table and if you want something else, you'll have to try what we've offered." So far, it hasn't failed.

... Except...
Now she's turning it around on us and it's hard, no virtually impossible, to say no when we know we're setting an example or when she's just waiting for one of us to give her an excuse to say no herself.

Example: We arrived home after visiting my parents for a few days and since the fridge was empty and it was already well-past lunchtime, the most expedient and appealing thing to do was go out. We landed at Andina, a favorite. Prior to your order arriving, they offer you bread and three dipping sauces: One a slightly spicy, peanut sauce, the 2nd, a spicier, fruity concoction and the 3rd, something so spicy I don't actually remember what it tastes like. Yes, spicy food is too much for me; I admit it. Anyway, I love the peanut sauce, delicately enjoy the 2nd and steer clear of the green stuff. Not today. Q looked at me and said, "Try it!" with glee in her eyes. I'd made the mistake of telling her not to eat it because it was spicy; that it was too hot for me. I sealed my fate with those words and soon found myself skimming a piece of bread over the spicy sauce trying for only the slightest bit to stick to the bread.

Today isn't the first time and it certainly won't be the last ... now, how to fool her...

* I say claims because frequently she'll like something one day, hate it the next and then want it again the next day. It's genuinely difficult to keep up with her changing preferences. Right now she's decided she no longer likes pasta with red sauce when only a month ago, she wouldn't go near the white sauce. One day she'll eat mussels, raw oysters and clams and the next day, blech. The one thing I can't seem to keep her away from is salsa, lately anyway.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! We have that rule in our house as well, you can't complain and you have to try everything at least once! It's funny (and frustrating) how they change their tastes daily, and then back again.
    Smart kid, turning it back on you like that! ;)
