Monday, August 9, 2010

Depressed and Angry

God, this sucks. I just don't know how I'm going to make it 8 weeks wheat free. Tonight we went to a wine-tasting.

All of the appetizers were wheat-ridden. We sit down at the table and there's a large basket of yummy looking WHEAT crackers. I hold out for dinner. Surely there will be something there for me, right?

It's buffet-style. First up, lamb. Nope, can't do lamb (it's a taste thing not a sensitivity). Next, beef. Can't do that either. After that, something that's either chicken or salmon but looks like it's covered in soy sauce (wheat again). Then salad rolls. I asked a waiter if they are wheat free. He checks and comes back to tell me the chef has gone home and they aren't sure. The desserts -- a nice selection of tarts, again, wheat.

I can't have a glass of wine (or more) on an empty stomach. Bad news for a number of reasons. Yet, here I am at a wine-tasting and I can't eat a thing that's being served. Had I been smart, I would have packed a box of wheat-free crackers or eaten large quantities of food prior to leaving the house but I'm new to this and well, not smart about it -- obviously.

It's hard to have fun in a room full of people drinking and eating when you feel like you can't do either (tiny sips of wine just don't cut it). Husband looks at me, in my misery, and says, "Let's go. You don't look like you're having fun; let's go somewhere you can eat something." I ask him if he's ok with that and yes, he's completely cool with it.

We head out and try to figure out where I can eat something substantial (that isn't chicken, I'm bored to death with chicken). First thought is Jake's. The wait is 35 minutes. Not worth it. Next stop, Andina; 45 minute wait. I could die of starvation before we'd have our food so we head home. Husband offers to stop at the grocery store but at this point, I've resigned myself to a life of lettuce and tell him no.

Yes, I realize some of the problem (ok, probably a lot of the problem) is me in this case but taking wheat out of my diet is akin to taking a limb. And yes, I *kind of* know what that feels like since I lost part of my left & dominant hand in a car accident at 16 and in addition to the mental & physical anguish I suffered as a teen, I currently suffer from bouts of phantom pain (completely bizarre) and have arthritis in some of my joints.

For nearly 40 years, the bulk of my diet has been wheat-based. I don't care for most types of meat and veggies, while heavenly, don't exactly fill you up with any sort of staying power. I live on wheat. Bread, muffins, cookies, crumbs, croutons, cake, you name it; yum.

And now, wheat has been ripped from my arms, leaving me crying and bereft. Empty and alone. STARVING.


Arriving home, I ate. Tomatoes with balsamic first and then I dipped into the freezer for some rice-flour "English muffins" (nothing like a real English muffin but at least they are filling). And I poured myself a glass of wine.


No longer hungry, I'm less depressed but still missing wheat. Part of me knows I'm strong enough to make it through 8 weeks. Part of me feels weak; is this all worth it?


  1. My brother went Gluten free a little over a year ago, and although hard in the beginning, says it has all been worth it. To look at him I'd have to agree! Best shape of his life! I myself have been trying to wean our entire family off of wheat products with minimal success (all my fault really, I also grew up on the stuff and it is hard to let go) I wish you luck and strength in this journey I know how hard it can be to transition, but know this, it can be done, it is worth it, and at least we live in an area that is more "user-friendly" when it comes to the wheat-free lifestyle!

  2. You're right about PDX being user-friendly. With few exceptions, when I mention gluten-free, waitstaff has been amazing. Lots of places have special menus and one of the chef's at Departure is gluten-free (I think they said he's celiac but don't quote me on that).

    Now if I can just make it 8 weeks!
