Well, this is the year it looks like I've got a resolution. I'm going to bring sexy back.
It occurred to me today that while my generation has made fun of "mom jeans", we have our own version: Sweat pants, which sadly, includes yoga pants. True yoga pants are more flattering and they do look nicer than Juicy sweatpants or any of their imitators but they are just as lazy, just as comfortable and just as much of a "mom" thing as sweats, so they count.
It's time we're honest with ourselves. Real, true "mom jeans" aren't really common anymore. Yes, occasionally you can spot someone wearing them but I'm not aware of anyone that actually sells "mom jeans" besides used clothing outlets (which, btw, also sell jeans that are NOT "mom jeans"). If you can't find them, a lot of people aren't going to be wearing them. Which means, moms are wearing something else and that something else = sweat pants or yoga pants.
Why are they just as shameful as "mom jeans"? Well, think about it... We wear them because they are comfortable, they are washable and they hide our ills. JUST LIKE MOM JEANS. Mom jeans are high on the waist, usually with pleats or some little extra around the hip / stomach area that allowed for some extra weight gain. Some of them even had elastic waistbands (ew).
Our sweatpants /yoga pants are even MORE insidious because they allow for continued, unchecked, unnoticed weight gain.*At least until you decide to wear one of those fabulous items sitting in your closet, the pair of jeans you were able to get into after all of those post-partum workouts, the cute skirt you bought yourself when you decided maybe you weren't going to be exactly the same size you were after the baby but you could still look good, you know what I'm talking about. You put those jeans on or that skirt, and maybe it's a bit snug, maybe it's so bad you can't even zip/button and it only gets worse from there.
Jeans are washable, pretty comfortable (you don't have to wear them skintight) AND they keep you aware.
So, I'm bringing sexy back into my household (and to the grocery store). No more yoga pants for me. No more of today's version of "mom jeans".
*Don't give me crap about vanity. People feel good about themselves when they look good. It's also not HEALTHY to gain unnecessary weight, which leads to increased healthcare costs, more illness (making it hard for you to take care of your child -- which is your excuse for wearing sweats, right?), not to mention shouldn't you be setting a good, healthy example for your child by eating right & exercising?
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