Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bad joke but funny

I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting a joke (copyright or something?). One of my husband's friends emailed it to him and he sent it to me.

Why You Must Always Check Your Children’s Homework

A girl in her first year at school made the following drawing for her homework and handed it in to her teacher.

After the drawing had been reviewed by the teacher, the girl brought it back home and showed it to her mother.
The next day, she returned to school with the following note for her teacher:

Dear Ms Artsy,

I would like to clarify my daughter’s drawing.
I am NOT POLEDANSING on the podium of a striptease bar.
I work in a do-it-yourself store and had just told my daughter how much money we had earned from the recent snowfall.
Thus, I am merely selling snow shovel in the drawing.

With kind regards,

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